Torts Exam Answer Template

  • In addition, you should assume that joint and several liability, with pure comparative negligence, is the relevant rule unless otherwise indicated. We try to include a mix of questions in this prep test that generally follows what you will find in...

  • The remaining half of the MBE torts examination includes considerations of intentional torts, product liability, strict liability, abnormally dangerous activities, and a variety of other tort actions. Torts and the law of personal injury is an...
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  • The accompanying exam answers are written by Bar None Review. Use of these answers is for your personal bar review preparation and law school study only. The exam answers may not be reprinted or republished in any form without express written permission. Torts Essay 1 Dina, aged sixteen, lives at home with her mother, Mary, in a state where the age of majority is eighteen. Mary is aware that Dina has recently exhibited a sometimes violent and delusionary nature diagnosed as schizophrenia and has attacked persons in the neighborhood.
  • Mary questioned Dina about the incident, scolded her, and asked if Dina was taking her medication. When Dina said she was, Mary did not pursue the matter. Two days after Dina confronted Paul, Dina saw him raking leaves which had fallen into the street fronting their adjoining homes. Dina got on her bicycle and rode it as rapidly as she could directly at Paul. Although Dina swerved away from Paul at the last moment, Paul reacted by diving to one side. He struck his head on the curb and suffered a severe concussion and facial injuries Paul has sued Dina and Mary, alleging tortious causes of action. Is Paul entitled to recover against Dina for:a. Is Paul entitled to recover against Mary:a. On the ground that Mary was negligent as to Paul? Discuss Torts Answer A 1.
  • Paul v. Dina a. Assault Paul has sued Dina alleging the intentional tort of assault. In order to recover, Paul must establish that Dina 1 intentionally 2 created in Paul a reasonable apprehension 3 of imminent harmful or offensive bodily contact. There are two acts of Dina that might give rise to liability for assault. Reasonable Apprehension. She was face to face with Paul and screaming at him and making threatening gestures. These actions may alone have created an apprehension in Paul. There is no reasonable apprehension of imminent harm, and thus, this element of the tort of assault is not met.
  • Thus, Dina is not liable to Paul for the verbal threat. Dina of her own volition rode her bike towards Paul as fast as possible. This satisfies the requirements of intent. The answer is no. All persons are capable of intentional torts. There is no incapacity defense. So long as the act is voluntary and is substantially certain to bring about the intended result, the element of intent is met. Reasonable Apprehension of Imminent Harm. Paul saw Dina riding towards him and was put in fear of harm as evidenced by his leaping to one side to avoid Dina. The test for apprehension is, however, an objective one. In this circumstance, having received a prior verbal threat from Dina and now with her act of bicycling toward him at high speed, Paul had a reasonable apprehension of imminent bodily harm.
  • Dina had the apparent intent to carry out a threat and also the present ability to carry out her threat. Dina is therefore liable to Paul for assault. She is liable for nominal damages and possibly punitive damages as well as damages caused by the assault. Paul dived away from Dina and struck his head and suffered a severe concussion and facial injuries. Dina will probably be liable to Paul for any medical expenses incurred as well as pain and suffering damages. Dina may argue that the damages were not caused by her act, but rather were self-inflicted by Paul.
  • Her fear that Paul might attack her in the future, even if true, would not give rise to self-defense. In fact, Paul was raking leaves and not threatening Dina. Even if her belief were true, self-defense does not allow one to take the law into your own hands and go on the offensive. Here, the same act of Dina, riding the bike at Paul, suffices as the intentional act. Dina might argue that she only intended to scare Paul as evidenced by the fact she swerved away at the last minute. However, Dina intended the tort of assault. This intent will be transferred to the foreseeable tort of battery which occurred.
  • It was foreseeable that Paul would attempt to escape, thus, the harm resulting from the escape will be presumed to have been the result of intent. Infliction of Harmful or Offensive Contact. Dina will be liable for damages from this tort as described above for the tort of assault. Actual damages to cover medical expenses, pain and suffering and possibly punitive damages because this is an intentional tort. Mary a. Was Mary Negligent as to Paul Duty. Generally, the law imposes no duty to control the acts of another person. However, under certain circumstances, where a person has knowledge of the dangerous propensities of a person and also the means by which to control the person, then such a duty will arise.
  • It is arguable whether Mary has control over Dina. This will be a jury question that could go either way; no facts are given. Thus, a duty of control will be imposed upon Mary. This duty will run to all foreseeable plaintiffs under the Cardozo rule for Palsgraf v. Mary, then, has a duty to act as a reasonable person under the circumstances in her control of Dina and her actions towards Paul. Did Mary breach her duty of care? Two acts of Mary possibly constitute breach of the duty of care. Mary assured Paul that Dina would not try to hurt him and assured him that the threat would not happen again. This statement turned out to be wrong. However, this is not a classic misrepresentation which must concern a present or past hurt.
  • Her statement serves two purposes as well as possibly being a negligent statement. Mary, in making the statement, assumed a duty of care toward Paul. This augments the duty imposed by law. Mary in essence states that she has control of the situation and of Dina. Under the circumstances, a reasonable person would have made certain that Dina was taking her medication. Dina would probably not have attacked Paul if she had taken her medication. She also knew that Dina had particularly threatened Paul. Finally, Paul suffered damages as discussed above. The general rule is that parents are not vicariously liable for the torts of their children. However, many states impose parental liability by statute for intertwined torts of minors. Thus, statutes usually have a limit of liability. Torts Answer B.
  • Shipping and handling fees are not included in the annual price. Subscribers are advised of the number of Updates that were made to the particular publication the prior year. The number of Updates may vary due to developments in the law and other publishing issues, but subscribers may use this as a rough estimate of future shipments. Subscribers may call Customer Support at for additional information. Subscribers may cancel this subscription by: calling Customer Support at ; emailing customer. If subscribers cancel within 30 days after the product is ordered or received and return the product at their expense, then they will receive a full credit of the price for the annual subscription. No credit will be given for cancellations more than 60 days after the invoice date.
  • Readers are provided with advice on common errors to avoid when answering questions and practical hints and tips on how to achieve higher marks. Fully revised and updated, the fifth edition references more than new cases on topics including identification of the relevant risk of injury and the operation of statutory defences relating to recreational activities and public authorities, professional negligence of lawyers, mental harm in employment and generally, intentional torts and damages for personal injury. Statutory amendments since the last addition are also noted, including the introduction of no-fault motor accident compensation in New South Wales and the legislation in some jurisdictions dealing with institutional child abuse.
  • Tim was an original author and editor of The Australian Torts Reporter CCH from the early s and his interest in Torts has continued since that time.
  • Real Property. This prevents a lawyer from feeding answers to a favorable witness. The membranes are still intact. This course is a practical course that deals with the preparation of a host of legal documents. It is a pleading. Mll Exam Notes. The Problem Question Flowchart saved my timing in the exam because it outlines every single step needed to cover negligence so you don't have to waste time fluffing. Sample Torts Exam Essay Answer, pewdiepie vs t series argumentative essay, how to make a case study for students, compare and contrast essay examples 6th grade template Contents. FREN If sitting the exam online via Examplify - you're permitted 2 x pen either black or blue 10 x pages white , The executive, legislative and judicial. It is not designed to be exhaustive. In the Hood, a weekly fashion and TV magazine, is famous for its celebrity?
  • Again, the primary importance of organization is: 1 to create a clear deposition, in case you need to use it at trial; and 2 to cover everything that you desire Multiple choice questions are a staple of education. Lean Sheets streamline the most important and frequently tested material into just pages for each UBE subject. And start to write an answer. So before you start writing your answer, identify who in the problem is likely to want to bring a claim and who they might be able to sue.
  • Ask your professor for feedback, on your organization as well as the. They are:Torts is a key subject on any bar examination. Tort 1 : Exam Answer Template to follow. Understanding past events and people and their significance gives students a better insight into the world around them. The answers were assigned high grades and were written by applicants who passed the examination after one read. I suggest you spend minutes outlining your answer and the rest of the hour writing our our answer.
  • We will be discontinuing We provide resources to help Oregon employers understand and follow employment and civil rights laws. The rest is up to you- the best teacher is the person who knows you best- YOU! Tim Akpinar answered on Mar 29, Create Tort Action examples like this template called Trial Book Outline that you can easily edit and customize in minutes. They have their benefits. I am thinking this was less of an issue on the August exam, because the announcement that the exam was open-book came later in the game for the August examinees and therefore didn't have the time to create as many template style answers.
  • The questions were worth these points: 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 10 First, read and examine every sample answer you can get your hands on. The MEE offers nine questions per examination, with most jurisdictions selecting six questions from the nine. Each exam covers both the basics and the intricacies of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. I hope you all enjoyed your semester break. I strongly believe that if you don't review and practice with the released MEE questions, you are making a serious mistake in your MEE study.

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