- A client Mr. PK Shetty who has been receiving urokinase has a large bloody bowel movement. What nursing action would be best for the nurse to take immediately? Administer vitamin K IM B. Discontinue the urokinase C. Reduce the urokinase and...Link: http://backup.acehprov.go.id/61117A/financa-publike-driton-balaj.html
- In answer A, vitamin K is not the antidote for urokinase, and reducing the urokinase, as stated in answer B, is not enough. A, cerebral hemorrhage B , cerebral thrombosis C, Cerebral embolism D , cerebral spasm 2,Vitamin need for the healthy...Link: https://webce.com/jacksonhewitt/register?_=qE6btud4pzI6LWsnd2sXczt3Jjg3
- A year-old African American male is admitted with sickle cell anemia. The nurse plans to assess circulation in the lower extrem-ities every 2 hours. Which of the following outcome criteria would the nurse use? A year-old male from Haiti is brought to the emergency depart-ment in sickle cell crisis. What is the best position for this client? A year-old male is admitted in sickle cell crisis. Which of the following interventions would be of highest priority for this client? Administering Tylenol as ordered 4. Which of the following foods would the nurse encourage the client in sickle cell crisis to eat? Lima beans 5. A newly admitted client has sickle cell crisis. He is complaining of pain in his feet and hands. Assuming that all the following interventions are ordered, which should be done first?Link: https://foj.otelglwssa.pw/vhl-lesson-3-completar-answers.html
- Administer meperidine Demerol 75mg IV push 6. The nurse is instructing a client with iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following meal plans would the nurse expect the client to select? Pork chop, creamed potatoes, corn, and coconut cake 7. Clients with sickle cell anemia are taught to avoid activities that cause hypoxia and hypoxemia. Which of the following activities would the nurse recommend? A bus trip to the Museum of Natural History 8. The nurse is conducting an admission assessment of a client with vita-min B12 deficiency. Which finding reinforces the diagnosis of B12 defi-ciency? Beefy tongue 9. Shins The nurse is conducting a physical assessment on a client with anemia.Link: https://coursehero.com/file/31135365/AD1-Jul-17pdf/
- Which of the following clinical manifestations would be most indicative of the anemia? Pink complexion The nurse is teaching the client with polycythemia vera about prevention of complications of the disease. Which of the following statements by the client indicates a need for further teaching? A year-old male is being evaluated for possible acute leukemia. Which of the following findings is most likely related to the diagnosis of leukemia? The client collects stamps as a hobby. The client recently lost his job as a postal worker. Where is the best site for examining for the presence of petechiae in an African American client? The soles of the feet The client is being evaluated for possible acute leukemia. Which inquiry by the nurse is most important? Which of the following would be the priority nursing diagnosis for the adult client with acute leukemia?Link: http://abacoenergia.it/introduction_to_water_treatment_exam_answers.pdf
- Interrupted family processes related to life-threatening illness of a family member He is engaged to be married and is to begin a new job upon graduation. Which of the following diagnoses would be a priority for this client? Fatigue related to chemotherapy A client has autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. Partial prothrombin time PTT The home health nurse is visiting a client with autoimmune thrombocy-topenic purpura ATP. Conservation of energy The client has surgery for removal of a Prolactinoma. Which of the fol-lowing interventions would be appropriate for this client? Encourage the Valsalva maneuver for bowel movements The client with a history of diabetes insipidus is admitted with polyuria, polydipsia, and mental confusion. Weigh the client A client with hemophilia has a nosebleed. Which nursing action is most appropriate to control the bleeding?Link: https://chem.purdue.edu/courses/chm333/
- Place the client in a sitting position. Administer acetaminophen Tylenol. Pinch the soft lower part of the nose. Apply ice packs to the forehead. A client has had a unilateral adrenalectomy to remove a tumor. Check the specific gravity of the urine The client is receiving IV glucocor-ticoids Solu-Medrol. Which of the following interventions would the nurse implement? Daily weights A client had a total thyroidectomy yesterday. The client is complaining of tingling around the mouth and in the fingers and toes. Assess the blood pressure for hypertension A year-old mother of three is brought to the clinic. Her pulse is 52, there is a weight gain of 30 pounds in 4 months, and the client is wear-ing two sweaters.Link: https://aafp.org/afp/2019/0115/p101.html
- The client is diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Which of the following nursing diagnoses is of highest priority? Which instruction should be given to the client taking rosuvastatin Crestor? Report muscle weakness to the physician. Allow six months for the drug to take effect. Take the medication with fruit juice. Report difficulty sleeping. The client is admitted to the hospital with hypertensive crises. Diazoxide Hyperstat is ordered. Cover the solution with foil The 6-month-old client with a ventral septal defect is receiving Digitalis for regulation of his heart rate. Which finding should be reported to the doctor? Respiratory rate of 30 per minute The client admitted with angina is given a prescription for nitroglycerine. Crush the medication and take with water The client is instructed regarding foods that are low in fat and choles-terol. Which diet selection is lowest in saturated fats? Spaghetti with meat sauce The client is admitted with left-sided congestive heart failure.Link: https://weegy.com/?ConversationId=AQMNEYLL&Link=i
- Sacrum Tail of Spence The physician orders lisinopril Zestril and furosemide Lasix to be administered concomitantly to the client with hypertension. Question the order.Link: https://books.google.co.th/books?id=8hw3DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT53&lpg=PT53&dq=exam+answers+llw&source=bl&ots=TfMvGabTK3&sig=ACfU3U1UF-K14dYDcMkK9GABVXkFa72mBw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUj9rGiOzvAhXowjgGHd9ZAmoQ6AEwL3oECAoQAw
- Automated Phone System: English proficiency, if applicable Internationally educated nurses must demonstrate English Competency. Reminders are not sent out. Step 4: Submit International Examination Application and fee. If an email is not provided it will be mailed to the address indicated at registration Applications submitted in error OR not approved for eligibility are non-refundable Domestic and International Re-Examination Your application will expire and is considered null and void 6 months from the date your initial application was submitted. If your application has not expired and you have received a notification that you did not pass, you are considered automatically eligible by re-examination per NMAC Reminders will not be sent out. This should be done concurrently with the application for licensure to ensure that accommodations are received without delay. The following documentation will be needed.Link: http://physicsgbhs.weebly.com/uploads/4/3/7/6/43761943/chapter_6_answers_glencoe.pdf
- Letter from the applicant specifying the reason and the accommodation needed Letter from specialist specifying the diagnosis and type of accommodation needed. Letter from the school stating the reason and type of accommodation they provided Permit To Practice Graduate nurses may request and may be approved for Graduate Nurse Permits. The Examination Application for licensure must be received at the Board of Nursing within twelve 12 weeks of graduation. Direct Supervision is defined per Permits to practice are issued directly to a New Mexico employer. Contact your employer for additional information. The permit to practice will be sent directly to the NM Employer, either through email or regular mail.Link: https://jhanddu.com/free-job-alerts/ibps-rrb-officer-scale-1-bgv-bank-recruitment.html
- Permits to practice will not be issued for applicants who declare residency in other compact states. A permit-to-practice is valid for six 6 months from the date of application or until examination results are issued by the NM Board. A permit is VOID if applicant fails the examination or fails to take the examination within 6 months after graduation. Allow at least three 3 weeks for processing a permit to practice from the receipt of a completed file. A completed file for a permit includes the exam application to the NM Board of Nursing; Certification of Eligibility of Nursing Program or official transcript; fingerprint cards; forms; fee and letter of intent to hire.Link: https://zigwheels.com/newbikes/Suzuki/Access-125/qna
- B Avoidance is not a pattern in the obsessive client. C Although these behaviors may seem to manipulate others, that is not the purpose behind the activity. D Inflated self-esteem is not a characteristic of the severely anxious client. It is accidentally pulled out of the intrapleural space when she is ambulating. The first action the nurse should take is to: A. Instruct the client to cough deeply to re-expand her lung B. Put on sterile gloves and replace the tube C. Apply a petrolatum dressing over the site D. Auscultate the lung to determine if she needs the tube replaced Answer: C A This action is inappropriate.Link: https://questionpaperz.in/icici-po-previous-year-question-papers/
- Practicing more model papers for Nursing Exam helps the applicants in analyzing the question paper pattern easily. Also, helps with time management during the main examination. OB Nursing model question papers are given in this section. Aspirants who appearing for the Nursing Jobs can download the pdf and start your preparation. Candidates are advised to refer the Question pattern in the section below, where the complete Question pattern is given. This gives an easy and clear overview of examination. Direct download links for the OB Nursing questions are here. The material is only for preparation purpose. Applicants can use Gynaecological Nursing study materials for their preparation.Link: https://smh.com.au/federal-election-2019/political-genius-or-footnote-in-history-scott-morrison-nears-his-may-18-date-with-destiny-20190503-p51jqq.html
- We feature common questions ask on nclex which is a must review. A nursing license gives an individual the permission to practice nursing, granted by the state where he or she met the requirements. All responses are appropriate for the nurse to instruct the patient in the use of a walker. Evaluation questions focus on comparing the actual outcomes of care with the expected outcomes and on communicating and documenting findings.Link: https://justanswer.com/ford-lincoln/9eej1-04-lincoln-navigator-cranks-not-starting-due-no-fuel.html
- These free NCLEX-PN questions will help you enhance your critical thinking skills and can help you review and prepare for the actual exam. Some of the topics covered in this practice test include Medication Administration, Hemodynamics, Pathophysiology, and Lab Values. Our questions reflect the challenging, critical-thinking questions seen on aspects of the NCLEX, so you will be prepared for the actual exam. Please choose another answer. Depending upon the response, the nurse may need to start a new IV or run the medications into the same IV. Avoidance of questions also helps the client to maintain self-esteem. Pressure ulcers form as the skin layers break down between the chair or bed surface and bone. The correct answer is there. Welcome to Actual Nclex Blogsite! It is appropriate for the nurse to ask this question of the patient as a close-ended question with two responses.Link: https://avenuegh.com/when-will-ntc-results-be-released-date/
- By connecting students all over the world to the best instructors, Coursef. A patient making this statement understands that one step in infection control is avoiding patients who have cold symptoms. Thank you for what you do! The provider should be notified immediately after stopping the transfusion. It also enables you to improvise your site traffic. Using therapeutic communication, the nurse should question the patient about the possibility of abuse.Link: https://eltngl.com/sites/wonderful-world-2e/home
- The correct answer is First, lb is Multiply the Multiply Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer. A patient is to get an MRI of the abdomen. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give the patient? Do not wear metal objects during the MRI, including jewelry. Do not take oral medications up to 12 hours after the MRI. Do not urinate prior to the MRI. Do not eat solid foods 12 hours prior to the MRI. Metal objects should not be used near an MRI. An MRI, or Magnetic Resonance Imaging device, will not function properly when magnetic objects, such as jewelry are nearby, and can cause harm to the patient through the MRI pulling the objects away from the patient. Patients should be assessed for metal materials within the body as well, such as joint replacement or spinal hardware.Link: https://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~apt/cs558_2016/practice_final.pdf
- Unless otherwise instructed, it is safe for a patient to take oral medications, eat solid foods, and urinate as usual prior to getting an MRI or following an MRI. Which of the following symptoms would support a diagnosis of Crohn's disease? Fatigue and headache b. Rectal cramping and bleeding c. Stomach swelling and gas d. These are also symptoms of all types of IBD. They would not necessarily be used to make a diagnosis as these symptoms are present in many other intestinal-related diseases. A nurse is teaching a staff seminar on patient confidentiality. Which of the following statements would be included in the presentation? Verbal consent is sufficient to allow family members to see a patient's medical records. If a family member is at the hospital, he or she would be entitled to an update on the patient's status. All hospital staff may have access to a patient's medical records.Link: https://americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/directories/roli/misc/module-2-privacy-rights-internet-age-diagnostic-test.pdf
- Consent to disclosure is implied when a patient is transferred from one health provider or facility to another. This includes all family members, even a spouse. A patient has a prescription for Tylenol at mg every 6 hours. A nurse only has mg pills of Tylenol available. How many pills would be administered every 6 hours?Link: https://acloud.guru/forums/aws-csa-2019/discussion/-MC5jRlUNmbKvfPpFBnG/Passed%20AWS%20SAA-C02%20-%20My%20experience%20%26%20tips
- Therefore, the patient should receive a maximum of 2 pills every 6 hours. It is important to verify the dosage of certain medications, such as Tylenol, to prevent overdosing a patient within a hour period. A patient is suffering from heart failure. Which of the following would be recommended by a nurse as part of the patient's health care plan? Discouraging a diet of fruit and vegetables b. Checking for swelling of the lower limbs c. Encourage the daily intake of fluids d. Encouraging vigorous exercise Swelling of the lower limbs, known as edema, is due to a buildup of fluid from an impaired circulatory system and is a common side effect of Congestive Heart Failure.Link: https://mockbank.com/bulletin/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/SSC-CGL-Tier-1-Exam-Paper-2016-2-September-2016-Morning-Shift-Reasoning.pdf
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