Reading Like A Historian Examining Passenger Lists Answers

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  • In fact, no papers were required at all. Author: Lesley Kennedy More than 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island between and —with a whopping 1,, entering the United States in alone. And yet, even during these days of peak immigration, for most passengers hoping to establish new lives in the United States, the process of entering the country was over and done relatively quickly—in a matter of a few hours. The passengers disembarking ships at the gateway station in were arriving due to a number of factors, including a strong domestic economy and pogrom outbreaks of violence against Jews in the Russian Empire, says Vincent Cannato, associate professor of history at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and author of American Passage: The History of Ellis Island.
  • Barry Moreno, historian and librarian at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, says most Ellis Island passengers in came from Europe, with Italians comprising the largest number of immigrants. The process went something like this: Before the ship was allowed to enter into New York Harbor, according to Moreno, it had to stop at a quarantine checkpoint off the coast of Staten Island where doctors would look for dangerous contagious diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, plague, cholera and leprosy. Once the ship passed inspection, immigration officers began boarding the ship via rope ladders, before it docked. This was a paperless period. All you had to do was verbally give information to the official when you boarded ship in Europe and that information was the only information used when they arrived. Patricia, The passengers were then put aboard small steamboats and brought to Ellis Island. They thought they were policemen or soldiers.
  • But as these long, long endless lines formed, the doctors had to examine everyone, as quickly as possible, for eye disease, skin disorders, heart disease and more. Physicians examining a group of Jewish immigrants who are gathered in a small room on Ellis Island. In the box was a sandwich, pie and an apple. The only free food was given to detainees held forcibly overnight.
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  • Introduction: Famous explorers often kept diaries about their travels and experiences, but how would we learn about the lives of ordinary men and women who moved to the colonies? Remember, most people were illiterate. Elicit student answers. You might want to point out these different areas on a map. Pass out passenger lists and graphic organizer. Students work in pairs or groups. Is the setting noisy or orderly? Are officials guaranteed to get accurate information? How do you explain the fact that all the passengers swore allegiance to the Church of England we know that many immigrants were religious dissenters, like the Puritans who were escaping because of religious persecution?
  • What information is missing from these lists? How might you go about finding that information? Passenger list from the ship Planter, which sailed from London to Boston in
  • Step into the shoes of a History Detective and tackle some of history's toughest mysteries. These lesson plans guide students to evaluate conflicting evidence by: Sourcing: Who made this source? Where did it come from? Contextualizing: Imagine the setting surrounding this source: How was the world that made this source different than our own?
  • Thus, like the workshop, these chapters begin with a look backward. Here that look is focused on ethical issues raised in both the influenza pandemic of — and in more recent outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases as well as on the profound influence that these ethical issues exert on pandemic planning and on international public health law. Reflecting on key outbreaks of emerging infectious disease over the past three decades, Heymann examines what these episodes reveal about the roles and responsibilities of health workers in a pandemic, the consequences of infectious disease to global trade, the challenge of providing equitable access to health-care resources, and the balance of individual rights versus public welfare. He describes how increasing recognition of the threat posed by emerging infectious diseases led to greater international cooperation in reporting and responding to disease outbreaks, as illustrated during the first outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS and as embodied by recent revisions to the International Health Regulations.
  • He also describes a more specific application of historical data from the influenza pandemic of — evaluating the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions to reduce the transmission and impact of infectious disease. Henderson of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, leader of the quarter-century campaign by the World Health Organization to eradicate smallpox Henderson, He noted that several factors made smallpox a uniquely favorable target for elimination: the virus infects only humans; it is not infectious until a rash appears; it spreads primarily through face-to-face contact; those who recover from the disease have permanent immunity; and its vaccine, which provides long-lasting protection, does not require refrigeration.
  • Beyond these advantages, Henderson attributed the success of the smallpox eradication campaign—the first and only successful attempt to eliminate a human infectious disease from the planet—to its judicious use of available resources in host countries, its broad goals that could be achieved in multiple ways, and its support of a wide range of clinical, epidemiological, and operational research. He noted that advocates of disease eradication consider immunization to be an important element of distributive justice, since the benefits of vaccination extend to all members of a community; however, eradication also raises the possibility that individual rights will be compromised if mandatory vaccination becomes necessary.
  • Acknowledging that top-down disease eradication programs often compete for resources with bottom-up basic health initiatives, Henderson argued that providing community-wide smallpox vaccination did serve the needs of basic health services—particularly since it provided a model for vaccinating against other important diseases. David Heymann, M. In this brief summary, four key ethical issues related to emerging and reemerging infectious diseases are highlighted: the roles and responsibilities of health workers; the consequences of infectious disease to commerce among nations; the challenge of providing equitable access to health-care resources; and the balancing of individual rights versus public welfare.
  • These four issues were very important, for example, during the first outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS in ——an event that ushered in a new era of international public health law. And they can also be expected to have relevance in any future emerging infectious disease outbreak. Three of them died in Yambuku, while one was evacuated to Kinshasa for treatment and died there. One of the important facts about this outbreak is that it occurred in a hospital. At that same time, another patient with a fever had been treated with an injection for what was thought to be malaria; afterwards the syringe used on that patient was rinsed with water and reused on a pregnant woman who was at the outpatient clinic on an antenatal visit. That syringe was likely the vehicle that transferred the then-unrecognized Ebola virus from one patient to another in the outpatient department and from there on to the maternity ward. Another important feature of this outbreak is that it predominantly affected health workers and their contacts.
  • In addition to the four Belgian sisters, the Ebola virus infected 13 African health workers plus many of their family members, most of whom died. The same situation occurred in in an Ebola outbreak in Kikwit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A patient admitted in early March infected two hospital staff members, a laboratory worker and a nurse, who in turn passed the infection on to family members. Later, insufficient infection control practices during a surgical procedure on one of the initial cases led to other health-care workers becoming infected. Outbreaks that spread to the community through health workers are not limited to developing countries, however.
  • In , for example, a medical photographer at a research institution in Birmingham, England, became infected with the smallpox virus and, before dying, transmitted it to her parents. Health workers were also disproportionately affected in the H2N2 influenza pandemic, in which 52 percent of unvaccinated health workers in New York City and 32 percent of unvaccinated health workers in Chicago became infected themselves.
  • The outbreak of SARS in , and the risks posed to health-care workers will be discussed in detail later in this article. The lesson is clear: Health workers and caregivers are inevitably on the front line in a pandemic. While they have an ethical obligation to provide safe care, they do so with the knowledge that they bear a high personal risk of infection. Issues Between Governments: Infectious Disease and Commerce Humans have long transmitted diseases over great distances.
  • As shown in Figure , historians have traced the paths of three ancient diseases that, over the course of decades, spread across several continents. Some of these diseases are thought to have originated in Africa, others in Asia. Today, infections emerge, reemerge, and spread around the world with such frequency that it is difficult to keep a list of them up to date. In , for example, athletes participating in an international triathlon held in Malaysia contracted leptospirosis and returned to their home countries during the incubation period. While this disease is not transmitted from person to person, its presence in the athletes did create a diagnostic challenge for health-care workers around the world.
  • Trade sanctions resulting from infectious disease are often more severe than necessary, as happened, for example, following the discovery that people had contracted variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by eating beef from cattle in the United Kingdom UK. These cattle had been infected with prions that caused bovine spongiform encephalopathy BSE. Many countries reacted by banning imports from the UK, even after the UK had taken measures that probably rendered its products more secure from BSE than those of many of these same countries. The result was that the UK lost billions of dollars in trade. The lesson, then, is that the international spread of disease—or the threat of its spread—reduces commerce with affected areas.
  • Governments must, therefore, attempt to balance two competing goals: to prevent infectious disease from crossing their borders while simultaneously minimizing the economic impacts of disease-related restrictions on travel and trade. Securing Equitable Access to Health-Care Resources Some epidemics recur year after year because the affected populations do not have access to the appropriate vaccines and drugs. This was once the case with smallpox, and it is currently true of meningitis. Every dry season in Africa, meningitis causes large epidemics with high fatality rates in a belt of countries stretching from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east. In , during the largest recent outbreak, , people were infected and 25, died. Many of these deaths occurred because vaccine did not reach affected communities fast enough.
  • In addition the Gates Foundation has provided support to a partnership between the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health PATH and WHO to develop an affordable conjugate meningitis vaccine that will be incorporated into routine immunization programs in Africa. Hopes for success are high, as a similar international partnership dealt with smallpox in much the same way, and that disease is now relegated to the history books.
  • Polio has presented a similar challenge. In , polio was reported in countries that lacked adequate access to the polio vaccine; by , only four countries had not yet interrupted transmission of the virus. Because the disease has spread internationally, however, seven countries are currently experiencing polio outbreaks. In the event of an influenza pandemic, however, access to vaccine will be extremely limited, particularly in the developing world. The global influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity is limited to the approximately million doses of seasonal influenza vaccine, while the global population is 6.
  • These doses are produced and distributed each year, mainly within industrialized countries, in formulations that must track slight changes in this constantly mutating virus. This shortfall—the difference between a capacity of million doses and a population of 6. Public Health Measures: Balancing Individual Rights and the Common Good During the smallpox eradication campaign, vaccines were offered to targeted populations using a ring vaccination strategy: vaccinating all households around that of the infected person and vaccinating any contacts that could be traced.

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