- Which of the following goals would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the care of plan at this time? The client will a. Increase her self-esteem b. Write her negative feelings in a daily journal c. Verbalize her work-related...Link: https://brainly.com/question/2146282
- Reassuring her that staff will be available if she becomes upset TIP: Paranoid patients frequently use the defense mechanism of projection. A delusion of self-belief b. A delusion of self-appreciation c. A nihilistic delusion d. A delusion of...Link: https://allthetests.com/love-and-relationship-quizzes/test-my-partner/test-your-boyfriend-husband/quiz31/1418313242/who-will-my-boyfriend-be
- A year old man with a diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia is admitted to the psychiatric unit. He is talking loudly as the nurse approaches him. A patient who has a borderline personality disorder asks the nurse on a psychiatric unit if she may stay up beyond the designated bedtime. During the admission procedure a client appears to be responding to voices. You know the truth; tell that policeman. Please help me! No one is talking to you; the accusing voices are part of your illness. A client on the unit believes another client has stolen his watch, and they want to discuss this with the nurse. I have a great job and a wonderful wife and family. The nurse observes that his head is bowed in a dejected manner, his facial expression is sad, and he isolates himself in his room. The client begins to attend group sessions daily. She explains to the group how she lost her job. Which of the following statements by a group member would be most therapeutic for the client?Link: https://local.dmv.org/hawaii/branch/kai-satellite-city-hall-honolulu
- With your skills, finding another job would be easy. The client admits to having thoughts of suicide, he is lethargic, withdrawn and irritable. In conversations with the nurse, he stresses his faults. You have an excellent work record. The main thing to remember is that you can work. I want to hear more about how you are feeling. The situation in which individuals have excessive worry or belief that they are suffering from a physical illness despite lack of medical evidence is known as: a.Link: http://davjakhal.org/
- Pain disorder c. Somatoform disorder d. Dissociative disorder Paranoid personality disorder c. Schizotypal personality disorder d. Antisocial personality disorder A histrionic personality disorder b. An antisocial personality disorder c. A narcissistic personality disorder d. A multiple personality disorder An appropriate nursing diagnosis of a client with a major depression is: a. Alteration in activity.Link: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/should-i-start-seeing-a-cardiologist-at-a-certain-age/
- Why create an account? The reason you have to create an account to take our free practice exam is so that we can save your exam progress. This makes it possible for you to leave your computer at any time and pickup right where you left off. Pretty swell, huh? Loading… Unfortunately there was no response from the server. This problem could be caused by: a slow or unreliable internet connection our server may be experiencing problems Here's what to try: Close this box and try submitting your response again. Check your internet connection. Are other sites loading? Are other pages on our site taking a long time to load or not loading at all? Contact us if you think there may be a problem.Link: https://wikihow.com/Wander-the-School-or-Skip-Class-Without-Getting-Caught
- Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer. What does the pH scale measure? The strength of a base. The strength of an acid. The concentration of hydroxide ions. The concentration of hydrogen ions. Prime time is the slot when most households are watching television. Like popular series and documentaries. Identify the answer below that corrects the fragment. Prime time is the slot when most households are watching television like popular series and documentaries. Watching popular series and documentaries. Prime time is the slot when most households are watching television, popular series and documentaries.Link: https://tx.nesinc.com/TestView.aspx?f=HTML_FRAG%2FTX178_PrepMaterials.html
- Leaving the client alone c. Dizziness c. Staying with the client and speaking in short d. Seizures A 75 year old client is admitted to the hospital d. Ask the client to play with other clients 6. The reflects a belief that one is: symptom that is unrelated to depression would be? Being Killed a. Apathetic response to the environment b. Ask a family member to stay with the client at c. Shallow of labile effect home temporarily d. Neglect of personal hygiene b. Nurse Trish is working in a mental health with her facility; the nurse priority nursing intervention c. Request an immediate extension for the client for a newly admitted client with bulimia d. Involve client in planning daily meal disorder belches loudly. A staff member asks c. Monitor client continuously repulsive? Nurse Patricia is aware that the major health elicit which of the following client reaction? Depensiveness anorexia nervosa would be?Link: https://reviversoft.com/file-extensions/mzz
- Embarrassment a. Cardiac dysrhythmias resulting to cardiac arrest c. Shame b. Glucose intolerance resulting in protracted d. Remorsefulness hypoglycemia Which of the following approaches would be c. Endocrine imbalance causing cold amenorrhea most appropriate to use with a client suffering d. Decreased metabolism causing cold intolerance from narcissistic personality disorder when Nurse Anna can minimize agitation in a discrepancies exist between what the client disturbed client by?Link: https://when.com/content?q=army+ssd+3+module+1+exam+answers&b=65&pz=8&ei=UTF-8&xargs=0&s_pt=aolsem&s_chn=167&s_it=rs-bot
- Allowing a snack to be kept in his room a. Milk b. Reprimanding the client b. Orange Juice c. Ignoring the clients behavior c. Soda d. Setting limits on the behavior d. Regular Coffee Conney with borderline personality disorder Which of late signs of heroin withdrawal? Vomiting and Diarrhea d. Denial To establish open and trusting relationship When working with a male client suffering with a female client who has been phobia about black cats, Nurse Trish should hospitalized with severe anxiety, the nurse in anticipate that a problem for this client would charge should?Link: https://gkseries.com/mcq-on-anova/multiple-choice-questions-and-answers-on-anova
- Encourage the staff to have frequent interaction a. Anxiety when discussing phobia with the client b. Anger toward the feared object b. Share an activity with the client c. Denying that the phobia exist c. Give client feedback about behavior d. Distortion of reality when completing daily d. Nurse Monette recognizes that the focus of The duty nurse a. The most therapeutic question by the b. Would you like to watch TV? Role play life events to meet individual needs b. Would you like me to talk with you? Use natural remedies rather than drugs to c. Are you feeling upset now? Ignore the client Nurse Trish would expect a child with a Nurse Penny is aware that the symptoms that diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder to: distinguish post traumatic stress disorder a. Have more positive relation with the father than from other anxiety disorder would be: the mother a.Link: http://netugc.com/ugc-net-solved-question-papers-in-public-administration
- Be able to develop only superficial relation with b. Depression and a blunted affect when discussing the others the traumatic situation d. Have been physically abuse c. When teaching parents about childhood d. Re-experiencing the trauma in dreams or depression Nurse Trina should say? It may appear acting out behavior Nurse Benjie is communicating with a male b.Link: https://classroom.synonym.com/ar-tests-home-8758163.html
- Does not respond to conventional treatment client with substance-induced persisting c. Looks almost identical to adult depression and fills in the gaps with imaginary Nurse Perry is aware that language information. Nurse Benjie is aware that this is development in autistic child resembles: typical of? Scanning speech a. Flight of ideas b. Speech lag b. Associative looseness c. Shuttering c. Confabulation d. Echolalia d.Link: https://reddit.com/r/Series66Exam/comments/lzg8qk/i_have_a_doubt_on_net_worth_capital_the/
- Choose the BEST answer. Read the questions carefully before answering it. Ben is assigned in a psychiatric ward; he notices that one of the patients would follow every move he would make. When he moves his hand, the patient would also move his hand. This is: a. Waxy Flexibility c. Perseveration d. Echopraxia 2. Echopraxia 3. Andy would like to visit her cousin in the psychiatric ward. An inspection was done before she enters the facility. What will not be allowed? Rosary bracelet c. Cake d. Biscuits 4. Daddy wants honey, honey honey bee…This is an example of? Neologism c. Flight of ideas d. Clang association 5. Perseveration c. Neologism d. Blocking 6. I want to shop. Apple pie. Custard pie. Clang association 7. She wants us to drink it. Can you help me stop her? Phobia c. Paranoia d. Delusion of grandeur 8.Link: https://examfear.com/cbse-ncert-solution/Class-12/Chemistry/D-and-F-Block-Elements/solutions.htm
- Delusion of jealousy c. Delusion of persecution d. Delusion of grandeur 9. A person seeing a design on the floor thought it was a fossil, this is an example of: a. Illusion c. Hallucination d. Idea of reference Sun goku leaves there. Delusion of grandeur This is an example of: a. During the impeachment trial, a client happened to watch one of the episodes of the senate hearing.Link: https://coursehero.com/file/64606472/OTCL-520Wk-8Final-Exam-3docx/
- They are looking for me now. Bryan is a nurse assigned in a psychiatric ward; he takes note that the most common type of hallucination is: A. Visual c. Auditory d. TactileLink: https://11plustutorsinessex.co.uk/11plusmockexams/?fbclid=IwAR2lbb-d-hltRc5rsqPjNVsIJhQ9t-v6sOxRYboYWvd1bIeNZkCAkIOUECA
- Choose the BEST answer. Read the questions carefully before answering it. Ben is assigned in a psychiatric ward; he notices that one of the patients would follow every move he would make. When he moves his hand, the patient would also move his hand. This is: a. Waxy Flexibility c. Perseveration d. Echopraxia 2. Echopraxia 3. Andy would like to visit her cousin in the psychiatric ward. An inspection was done before she enters the facility. What will not be allowed? Rosary bracelet c. Cake d. Biscuits 4. Daddy wants honey, honey honey bee…This is an example of? Neologism c. Flight of ideas d. Clang association 5. Perseveration c. Neologism d. Blocking 6. I want to shop. Apple pie. Custard pie. Clang association 7. She wants us to drink it. Can you help me stop her? Phobia c. Paranoia d. Delusion of grandeur 8. Delusion of jealousy c. Delusion of persecution d. Delusion of grandeur 9.Link: https://thesprucepets.com/freshwater-fish-and-aquariums-4162059
- A person seeing a design on the floor thought it was a fossil, this is an example of: a. Illusion c. Hallucination d. Idea of reference Sun goku leaves there. Delusion of grandeur This is an example of: a. During the impeachment trial, a client happened to watch one of the episodes of the senate hearing. They are looking for me now. Bryan is a nurse assigned in a psychiatric ward; he takes note that the most common type of hallucination is: A. Visual c. Auditory d. TactileLink: https://vincenzomastropirro.it/jd-advising-mee.html
- Answers and Explanations 1. A Antidepressant medication is an initial primary treatment modality for mild major depressive disorder as well as moderate to severe major depressive disorder. For psychotic depression, a combination of antipsychotic and antidepressant medication or ECT may be prescribed. Psychotherapy alone as an initial treatment modality may be used for patients with mild to moderate depressive disorder. C Drug treatment for dysthymia is similar to treatment for depression and may include tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs , and monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs. Along with the above-mentioned therapies, persons with dysthymia also may respond to cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. C Additional symptoms of depression in children and adolescents include the following: irritable mood; loss of interest and pleasure; persistent thoughts of death; suicidal ideation or attempts; changes in appetite, weight or sleep; diminished activity, concentration or energy; and changes in feelings of self-worth and guilt.Link: http://umtinam.com/howard-zinn-answer-guide-for.pdf
- Depressed children may withdraw socially, present with somatic complaints, exhibit low tolerance for frustration, and throw temper tantrums. B Because bright light therapy has the potential to cause eyestrain and headaches, an ophthalmologic exam is advised for persons with a history of eye diseases. In is important to bear in mind that in bright light treatment has the potential to trigger episodes of hypomania or mania in vulnerable patients. D Bipolar disorder is associated with functional impairments even during periods of euthymia. Along with periodic episodes of mania and depression, some patients experience rapid cycling — four or more mood disturbances in a single year that meet the criteria for a major depressive, mixed, manic, or hypomanic episode. D Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder should be carefully evaluated for all of the above-mentioned co-occurring disorders as well as medical problems. Primary treatment for mania is pharmacotherapy; however, psychotherapy is an important component of comprehensive treatment.Link: https://certification-questions.com/java-exam/1z0-808-dumps.html
- A The goals of treatment during the acute phase of illness are to prevent harm, control disturbed behavior, reduce symptoms such as agitation and aggression, evaluate and address the stressors that triggered the acute episode, and enable rapid return to the best level of functioning. As with other psychiatric disorders it is vitally important to develop an alliance with the patient and family, establish attainable objectives of treatment, and follow-up with appropriate care. A A combination of ECT and antipsychotic medications may be prescribed for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder with severe psychotic symptoms that have not responded to pharmacological treatment. Maintenance ECT may benefit some patients who have responded to acute treatment with ECT but for whom pharmacological prophylaxis alone has not prevented relapse or is not tolerated. B An estimated 40 million adults in the United States have an anxiety disorder.Link: https://ausetute.com.au/eqv.html
- Anxiety disorders include panic disorders with or without agoraphobia, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD. C A combination of psychotherapy and medication management is helpful for most anxiety disorders. Of psychotherapeutic interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy CBT has demonstrated efficacy; however, it requires the patient to commit to approximately 12 to 20 sessions of treatment. B More than half of persons diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder have a comorbid condition such as panic disorder and major depressive disorder is the most common.Link: https://gi.org/patients/gi-health-and-disease/interactive-ibs-tools/
- D Intermittent explosive disorder is characterized by repeated outbursts of aggressive, violent behavior People with intermittent explosive disorder may attack and harm others and vandalize and destroy property. Following these outbursts they are often contrite, expressing remorse, regret and embarrassment about their actions. C Although persons with mania may behave impulsively, mania is a mood disorder characterized by abnormal affect, inflated feelings of self-worth, pressured speech, scattered ideas, increased interest in goal-directed activities and high-risk behaviors, unexplained euphoria, irritable mood, decreased need for sleep, and magical thinking.Link: https://coursehero.com/file/pr1dmq/Question-3-1-out-of-1-points-In-the-past-few-decades-US-manufacturers-shifted/
- D Naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, may be used as a pharmacotherapy for alcohol-dependent and opioid-dependent patients. It has demonstrated efficacy in helping alcohol-dependent patients adhere to treatment by reducing cravings, thereby, reducing the frequency and severity of relapse. Naltrexone has not demonstrated comparable efficacy for opioid dependency, largely because there is lower adherence to treatment in this population. D Persons with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms may be effectively managed in intensive outpatient programs or partial hospitalization programs.Link: https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080715141010AA8LJaE
- Because many such programs are on medical center campuses or close to hospitals, immediate transfer to a higher level of care is feasible. D Many patients with schizophrenia self-medicate with alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs. It is vitally important to identify the presence of comorbid substance use and to develop a treatment plan that effectively addresses schizophrenia and substance use. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.Link: https://study.com/academy/practice/quiz-worksheet-affirmative-action-the-eeoc.html
- This multi-axial system includes: a. Nursing and medical diagnosis b. Frameworks of specific theories c. Assessments for several areas of functioning d. Specific critical pathways 2. The nurse meets with the client daily. The client stays mostly in his room and speaks only when addressed, answering briefly and abruptly while keeping his eyes on the floor. The client has tearfully described her negative feelings about herself to the nurse during their last three interactions.Link: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080629081607AA4jqBm
- Which of the following goals would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the care of plan at this time? The client will a. Increase her self-esteem b. Write her negative feelings in a daily journal c. Verbalize her work-related accomplishments. Verbalize three things she likes about herself 4. The most important assessment data for the nurse to gather from the client in crisis would be: a. Any significant physical health data c. A past history of any emotional problems in the family d. A female client is admitted for surgery. Although not physically distressed, the client appears apprehensive and alienated. A nursing action that may help the client to feel more at ease includes: a. Telling her that everything is all right b. Giving her a copy of hospital regulations c. Orienting her to the environment and unit personnel d.Link: https://fuq.bunnyyousafzai.pw/opic-sample-questions-answers.html
- Reassuring her that staff will be available if she becomes upset TIP: Paranoid patients frequently use the defense mechanism of projection. A delusion of self-belief b. A delusion of self-appreciation c. A nihilistic delusion d. A delusion of grandeur 7. A client refuses to eat food sent up on individual trays from the hospital kitchen. Ask the kitchen to send foods that are not easily contaminated such as baked potatoes c. When the client gets hungry enough, the client will eat. The client appears frightened. Spend more time with the client, showing a warm affection.Link: https://judotrainingdevelopment.com/2012/12/11/ijf-explanation-of-2013-rule-changes/
Psychiatric Nursing Practice Test Questions With Answer Key
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