Much Ado About Nothing Test Answers

  • What does Benedick think of marriage and women? How does Don Pedro, the leader of his group, promise to help Claudio? Share this:.

  • There's nothing better! It comes pretty easily to you - your intelligence always rises to the challenge. Fine - as long as you can be yourself. It makes you a bit edgy - you prefer to be alone. Not too badly - you can easily take command. Not very...
  • Don John, "the Bastard Prince", is brother of whom? A: Benedick. Leonato, is the governor of Messina and whose father? A: Hero's father. Antonio is brother of whom? A: Leonato. Hero is the daughter of whom? In Messina, a messenger brings news that Don Pedro, a prince from Aragon, will return that night from a what? A: A successful battle , Claudio being among his soldiers. Beatrice, niece of Leonato, a governor of Messina, asks the messenger about whom? A: Benedick, Don Pedro's companion, and makes sarcastic remarks about his ineptitude as a soldier. Leonato explains what? A: "There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signor Benedick and her. A: To stay for a month, Benedick and Beatrice resume their "merry war" and Pedro's illegitimate brother Don John is introduced. Claudio's feelings for Hero, Leonato's only daughter, are rekindled upon seeing her, and Claudio soon announces what to Benedick?
  • A: Hhis intention to court her. Benedick, who openly despises marriage, tries to dissuade his friend but Don Pedro does what? A: He encourages the marriage. Benedick swears that he will never what? A: Get married. Don Pedro laughs at him and tells him what? A: That when he has found the right person he shall get married. A masquerade ball is planned in celebration of the end of the war, giving a disguised Don Pedro the opportunity to do what? A: To woo Hero on Claudio's behalf. Don John uses this situation to get revenge on his brother Don Pedro by telling young Claudio what? A: That Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself. A furious Claudio confronts Don Pedro, but the misunderstanding is what? A: Quickly resolved and Claudio wins Hero's hand in marriage. Meanwhile, Benedick disguises himself and dances with whom? A: Beatrice. Beatrice proceeds to tell this "mystery man" what? A: That Benedick is "the prince's jester, a very dull fool. A: That he will have revenge. Don Pedro and his men, bored at the prospect of waiting a week for the wedding, harbor a plan to do what?
  • A: To match-make between Benedick and Beatrice. They arrange for Benedick to overhear a conversation in which they declare what? A: That Beatrice is madly in love with him but afraid to tell him; that their pride is the main impediment to their courtship. Meanwhile, Hero and her maid Ursula ensure Beatrice overhears them discuss what? A: Benedick's undying love for her. The tricks have the desired effect: both Benedick and Beatrice are delighted to think they are the object of unrequited love, and both accordingly resolve to what?
  • A: Mend their faults and reconcile. Meanwhile, Don Pedro's brother Don John, the "bastard prince", plots to do what? A: To stop the wedding, embarrass his brother and wreak misery on Leonato and Claudio. He informs Don Pedro and Claudio that Hero is unfaithful, and arranges for them to see John's associate Borachio do what? A: Enter her bedchamber where he has an amorous liaison actually with Margaret, Hero's chambermaid. Claudio and Don Pedro are taken in, and Claudio vows to do what? A: Humiliate Hero publicly.
  • Select the love story that you feel is the play's main plot. Explain why you have chosen it. Describe the main plot completely. Explain the role of the other love story. List all the "pairs" you can identify in the play — for example, pairs of lovers, pairs of brothers, and pairs of maidservants. For each pair, explain why you think both members of the pair were included and how you think Shakespeare used the pairing to advantage in his development of characters and plot. Who are the two or three leading characters of the play? Explain why. Who are the secondary characters, and what functions do they serve? What functions are served by the remaining characters? List all the significant instances of "noting" eavesdropping, observing, or otherwise taking special notice in the play. For each instance, express why it was included and what it accomplishes. Review the emotional highs and lows of the play. Make a list of all scenes and rate each scene on its degree of being high or low. Where a "scene" actually has several subscenes, you may find it necessary to rate subscenes separately.
  • Then plot the highs and lows on a simple chart to illustrate how Shakespeare has used the contrast between highs and lows to "play" with the audience's emotions. Identify all scenes in which verse is used rather than prose. For each of them, explain what effect the use of verse has, if any. Write your ideas about why verse is used in each of those places.
  • Citing specific lines and scenes in the play, trace Don John's plots against Claudio and Don Pedro from their earliest beginnings to the culmination of each plot. To some literary analysts, Claudio and Hero as characters suffer by comparison to Beatrice and Benedick. Consider a version of the play in which Beatrice and Benedick do not appear as characters. Write a summary of the play focused on Claudio and Hero and explain what is more effective or less effective about the resulting play. Write your version of several background stories that take place before the play begins — for example, the earlier relationship between Beatrice and Benedick; the family conflict and the battle between Don John and Don Pedro; the earlier encounter between Claudio and Hero.
  • Explain why Margaret participated in the window love scene with Borachio. What did he tell her about it, before or after? What did she tell Leonato when he questioned her later? Describe the events of the play from Margaret's viewpoint. Consider what might have happened if several events had gone differently — for example, if the watch had not overheard Borachio and Conrade; if Leonato had listened to Dogberry and the prisoners before the wedding; if Hero and Claudio had not produced the poems during Benedick's proposal to Beatrice; if Margaret had attended the wedding. Read Dogberry's lines carefully to see if you can make a case for his being a very clever man who knew exactly what he was doing all the time. Describe examples of his wisdom and cleverness. If you were to revise the play, what revisions would you make? What events would you add or take out? How would you change the characters?
  • What is Shakespeare actually suggesting about love in this play? Though we come to like Beatrice and Benedick, and to root for their romance, in the end, they get the same reward marriage as Claudio and Hero. Do Claudio and Hero have true love? Do Beatrice and Benedick? If this scandal of disloyalty before a wedding were to crop up today, would the same brouhaha occur? Is it fair to say that this fuss is really "about nothing"? Is there a hero in this play besides, er, Hero? Are there any characters you trust to be simply "good" people, or do each of the characters transform too much in order to trust them? Why is this tradition of masked love such a time-honored device? What does it say about the power of love?
  • How many plays, long narrative poems, and sonnets did Shakespeare write? The sets Purple was what kind of color? An upper class color; It was very expensive What was peascod belly? A belly men put to show they were wealthy because they ate well What were the Acting Troupes? Daylight showings only What percent of the Globe Theater did Shakespeare own? Stratfordians: do believe Shakespeare wrote the plays2. Anti-Stratfordians: do not believe Shakespeare wrote the plays but that Edward Devere, Earl of Oxford, did Why is Shakespeare considered to be one of the greatest writers of all time? We find out during Act 1 that the war was actually between whom, and what was the result? Don Pedro forgave his brother and Claudio was the hero of the battle. They used to date and had a bad breakup but they still like one another ACT 1Who is Claudio interested in and what question does Claudio ask Don Pedro about her? What does Don Pedro plan on happening before he dies?
  • Don Pedro will pretend to be Claudio and ask Hero to marry him and then talk to her father, Leonato ACT 1Scene 2 is left out of the movie, but this is the first eavesdropping scene in the play. He decides to try to stop the wedding because he does not like Claudio ACT 2The beginning of Act 2 begins at the costume party that night. After seeing Don John, Beatrice says he gives her heartburn because he is so melancholy. She then says the perfect man would be between what 2 men? What put the idea into his head that Don Pedro wants Hero and not Claudio? What is his reaction? What does Don Pedro say to him? What does he ask her and how does she answer him? Whose help does he enlist? What kind of woman appeals to him? What does he resolve to do after listening in on their conversation? That Benedick loves her, she will requite his love ACT 3Don Pedro and Claudio tease Benedick about his primping, and in the actual play, Benedick even shaves off his head.
  • He used her in their plot. What favor does Benedick want from Friar Francis? Deride 1. Carefree, happy2. Extreme dislike4. Ardor 1. To put down, criticize2. Contempt, scorn, to look down on3. To interfere with4. To denounce, disown5. Garden, vegetation, trees6. Malapropism 1. Typical country life, simple, unsophisticated3. Ineptitude, Inept4. Pompous 1. Prearranged meeting2. To free from blame3. Lack of sense, foolish4. Stale, Wanton, Drab, Strumpet2. Maid en 1. Promiscuous women2. Someone whose love is unfaithful to them3. Character, not a comedy of situation sitcom. Beatrice and Benedick: Warring lovers2. Hero and Claudio: Conventional lovers Hero is a stereotype of the.
  • Ingenue: an innocent, inexperienced young lady who learns about life What is a cad? Shakespeare uses him as a mechanical plot device. If he were a true villain, he would destroy the comedy. Triumph of love 2 marriages at end 2. What are a few Renaissance punishments? Drawn and Quartered: partially hanged, cut you up, then horse tied at each part rips your body apart2. Tarred and Feathered3. Pillory: Humiliated.
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  • Who is coming to visit Leonato at the beginning of the play? Don Pedro- Prince of Aragon. How are Hero and Beatrice related? They are cousins. Who is well respected for his part in the battle that ended just before the play begins? Who does Beatrice specifically ask the messenger about after his news of the war? What does the messenger tell Beatrice that he would never want to be after hearing her view of Benedick? Her enemy. What does Leonato joke about when Don Pedro arrives on the stage for the first time? Hero's parentage. This section contains 5, words approx.
  • How well do you know Beatrice and Benedick? In this passage, Benedick and Beatrice leave their teasing and mockery behind for a more intimate and sincere conversation. They do not share the same aims and understanding of the situation, however. One interesting detail to note is the difference in the way each character addresses the other. Remember to read the passage through more than once before answering the questions. Consider the ways in which this passage relates to the themes of the play. Which details do you identify as significant? How do you view the pace and rhythm of the conversation? How to answer an extract question in an exam: Always read through the passage more than once before you begin to answer an extract question in an aboutt.
  • On the first reading, you should aim for a broad understanding of the passage, considering especially how it relates to the question or questions you will be answering. As you read through the second time, you should begin noting details and making annotations. Ask yourself why the specific passage has been chosen: what is its significance? How does it relate to the rest of the text? Can you define its place in the structure of the text? Are any significant characters or themes introduced? What happens next? Can you see evidence of foreshadowing? How does the passage develop? Can you think of a reason why the extract ends where abouy does instead mkch elsewhere? Is the final line significant? You should also think carefully about the question you have been asked to answer. Does it concern mood and atmosphere of the extract or a particular character? Perhaps you have been asked to discuss dialogue, behaviour or feelings.
  • Now think about the question you have been asked and the notes you have made in relation to the themes of the text. How do prior events relate to those of the extract? Carefully consider the detail, setting and characterisation. When writing, group related ideas together, but remember to discuss the entire passage in your answer. Allow yourself time to cover the entire passage. Otherwise, you might spend all your time writing on the first half in great detail at the expense of the rest of the passage. Read the passage below carefully before answering the questions. Is not that strange? It were as possible for me to say Much ado about nothing test answers loved nothing so well as you, but believe me not, and yet I lie not. I confess nothing nor I deny nothing. I am sorry for my cousin. I protest I love thee.
  • I answesr about to protest I loved you. Not for the wide world. There is no love in you. O that I were a man! What, bear her in hand until they come to mufh hands, and then with public accusation, uncovered slander, unmitigated rancour - O God that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market place. Norton, 1. What is the immediate context for this passage? Leonato, the Friar, Beatrice and Benedick have agreed to pretend that Hero is dead Don John has just persuaded Don Pedro and Claudio to spy at Hero's window Dogberry has brought Borachio and Conrad to Leonato to confess Claudio and Don Pedro have just persuaded Benedick that Beatrice is in love with him This scene follows shortly after Claudio's public shaming of Hero; Hero's friends and family have agreed to buy some time with ad ruse by pretending that Hero has died, rather than merely fainting 2.
  • What immediately follows this passage? Claudio agrees to marry a niece of Antonio's Leonato challenges Claudio to a duel Benedick agrees to tesg Claudio for Hero's honour Leonato holds a second feast After ascertaining that Beatrice truly believes that Claudio has acted shamefully towards Hero, he agrees to do as she asks 3. What is meant by Benedick's line, "Beat—"? He loses his train of thought Beatrice interrupts him The private conversation between Beatrice and Benedick is interrupted by Hero regaining consciousness The private conversation between Beatrice and Benedick is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of Don John Benedick is repeatedly interrupted as he attempts to mollify Beatrice 4.
  • What does he mean by "I will make him eat it"? He will invite anyone who denies his love for Beatrice to a feast where he will prove the doubter wrong He will argue endlessly with anyone who denies his love for Beatrice He will make anyone who denies his love for Beatrice metaphorically eat his words He will use his sword to fight anyone who denies his love for Beatrice Benedick is prepared to use his sword to fight with anyone who doubts his love for Beatrice. To "eat" his sword literally means to be stabbed 5. Referring to the answer to the previous question, how does Beatrice overturn Benedick's boastful promise? She undermines the useless boast and asks him for an act which would prove his love to her She redirects attention to Hero's situation She asks him to kill Claudio All of the above Fighting as a response to someone doubting his love is rather pointless in Beatrice's eyes. More valuable to her would be a defence of her cousin's honour, so she asks Benedick to kill Claudio 6.

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