Law National Admissions Test Lnat Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

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  • The use of the word "main" requires you to make a judgement between the main thrust of an argument and other minor justifications for the argument. A writer may make an "assumption", which is either stated or unstated. You may need to read between the lines of a text in order to identify the assumption made. Also remember that an assumption is something which is taken to be true and not proved in the text.
  • The words "infer" and "imply" cause some difficulty as quite often they are viewed as synonyms; they are not. Recognition of what is "opinion" as opposed to statements of fact may be asked for in answering a question. A statement of fact is verifiable, whereas an opinion, in the words of the Oxford English Dictionary, is a "belief based on grounds short of proof, a view held as probable, what one thinks about something". Ask yourself: is the statement made readily provable? The words "not" and "except" indicate what is expected in your choice of answer. Rather than choose a right answer you may be asked to identify the wrong answer. Also a question may state that, "All statements are views held by the author of the text except…"; here you are expected to identify what the author has not said. Essays In part B you are given a choice of essay titles and you have 40 minutes to type an answer to the question asked. It is expected that you will write between words.
  • By reading one of these papers you will start to appreciate how arguments are constructed, as well as developing a general knowledge of current affairs. For example, "How should judges be appointed? Do you agree? Reviewing the type of questions asked in the law admissions test discloses that it is clearly important to have a good general knowledge of issues and current affairs, so as to enable you to concentrate on the construction of an argument quickly. Remember do not start your answer with a conclusion. You must work towards such a position explaining opposing arguments, weighing their relative worth and then drawing sustainable conclusions in relation to your viewpoint.
  • One must submit the UCAS forms as well. It has to be paid through online mode via a credit card, debit card, etc. Those who cannot afford to pay the fee, can opt for the LNAT bursary option. Take a printout of the confirmation email as it will be required for future reference. Candidates will get the option to choose the desired test centre at the time of LNAT application itself. Kindly make a choice as per suitability in order to avoid last minute rush. To find your nearest test centres, candidates can access the LNAT live test centre locator. In order to book an examination centre for LNAT:- Visit the official website and click on the slot booking options. Sign in by entering the: Username and password. Select the desired slot. LNAT application confirmation printout, 2. Photo ID proof such as passport. Those failing to carry this proof will not be allowed to take the examination. It is a 2 hours 15 minutes test.
  • It is a simulation of the real LNAT exactly as it will appear on-screen at the test centre. You can use it to familiarise yourself with the format of the test and the skills it requires. Click on the screenshots to see larger versions. Multiple Choice Screenshot click to enlarge The screenshot above shows a multiple choice question. The passage always appears in the left-hand pane of the LNAT test window. If the passage is longer than a single screen-length will accommodate, it appears with a scroll bar. The associated questions appear one at a time in the right-hand pane, with the possible answers.
  • You click a button on the screen next to the answer you choose. The system will only let you choose one answer at a time. You can change your answers at any time until the end of the 95 minutes set aside for the multiple choice test. The system lets you flag questions for review, so that you can go back to unanswered or difficult questions when you have completed the rest. You cannot go back to the multiple choice section from the essay section. Each is separately timed. Your time remaining for the section you are on always appears on the top right of the screen. Each question appears at the top of its own screen. You should answer only one question. There are no other word-processing functions, eg no spell check. The system has a built-in word count at the bottom of the essay pane. The maximum length for an LNAT essay is words. Words beyond this limit will not be read by LNAT universities.
  • Ideally you should write about words. You have 40 minutes to write it. Your time remaining for the essay section always appears on the top right of the screen. United States LSAT tests If you want to do more practice beyond our practice tests, you could consider trying some similar practice questions from other sources.
  • Many are freely available. The LSAT passages are typically shorter and the calibration of the questions may not be the same law is a graduate-entry programme in the US but the skills involved are identical. Visit the LSAT website for their preparation materials. You can download them all, as well as selected commentaries and the test marking scheme here.
  • The cost of the LNAT is set according to the location of the test centre. Payment can be made online using a credit or debit card, and a bursary can be offered to students in receipt of certain benefits to help offset the cost. The current application cycle for Autumn entry to university is open now. Late applications are only usually considered for international applicants, but each university has a separate procedure for the late results. You will need your UCAS identifier to complete the application. You need to complete the LNAT in the same cycle as your application for university for it to be considered and it cannot be carried forward if you decide to defer your university entrance.
  • Universities will not consider your application before they receive your LNAT results, so it is probably in your best interests to take the LNAT as soon as possible — depending on your A-level or college workload. There are more than Pearson VUE test centres worldwide and over in the UK — so finding a slot at a test centre near you should not be a problem. If you book early, you can choose any available day that has an appointment slot free. If you book towards the end of the booking period, you might not be able to choose. You may find that your school or college can manage your booking for you, in which case they will decide when you attend your assessment.
  • Argument and Analysis In questions regarding argument and analysis, you need to look for the overall argument of the passage and decide the main reason that it was written. Identifying the argument accurately helps with the analysis part of the answer, where you might be asked to analyse which proposition is correct or identify important parts of the argument. Literary Style Some of the passages will have multiple-choice questions relating to words and their interpretation. Your vocabulary will be tested in this section, but the meanings of the words should be obvious given the context of the passage. Section B: The Essay In the second section, you will be expected to construct a compelling argument around one of three subjects.
  • There is no specific marking for this section all the official marking is on the multiple-choice section , but this is an important chance to demonstrate you can write a coherent and interesting piece relating to the given subject. There is a minute time limit on this section, and you need to write — words. Example Essay Titles: Are there any circumstances killing another human would be permissible? How do you respond to this statement? The prison system does not discourage crime. Respond to this statement All education should be free. Do you agree or disagree? Is lying ever ok? Each question is worth one mark, and there is no negative marking, so your score will be out of Finding out what a 'good' score is can be difficult, as the average score has changed every year since the test was first used.
  • Additionally, each university has different values for their baseline score — for example, in —18 the minimum score for University of Oxford entrants was 27, while the minimum score for the University of Glasgow was If you aim for the minimum for Oxford entry, you will more than likely be accepted at other universities — so 27 or above is a good target. There are no guarantees, however. Although the essay has no formal scoring, it can be used in the applicants' favour if the official LNAT score from the first section is lower than desired. When you have completed your LNAT exam, the scores will be made available for download to the universities that you have applied to — they will likely get access to your results before you do. When you receive your score depends on when you take the test. Practice Tests You will become used to answering the types of questions you will face in the exam by taking practice tests.
  • Although the LNAT administration says you do not need to complete any specific course to prepare, some practice in logical and verbal reasoning, as well as in structuring essays, will be useful. Practice Critical Thinking Reading and keeping up with current affairs will help you flex your critical thinking abilities — and it might help you answer the essay question better by absorbing more ways to write. When you read an article, try to look at its arguments and assumptions, find fallacies and actively consider the language used. You can even find critical thinking textbooks to give you some more practice if this is something that you want more experience with.
  • Multiple-Choice Preparation Tips Logical Inference In the multiple-choice section, you need to accept that the passages are true even if you know that they are really not. The correct answers are derived by using logical inference — if this, then that. If the passage is true, then one of the answers is true. This is a skill, and you can practice using logical inference and reasoning with practice questions here.
  • Read the Questions First This might seem backward, but this is a timed test with long passages. Too much time spent reading will cut down on your time for answering the questions. If you read the questions first, you can find keywords to help you with targeted reading. If you read the text with an idea of what the questions are looking for, you can save time reading and re-reading unnecessarily. Elimination Although the answers are structured to seem like they could all be correct, there is only one answer that will get you the mark. To find it, you should start by discounting any that are obviously incorrect. If you do that and are left with one answer, simple, mark it and move on.
  • However, you may be left with two answers that seem to be right. In this case, go with your gut and choose one — but flag it for review later if you have time. Remember that there is no negative marking, so there is nothing to be gained by leaving an answer blank. Watch for Assumptions There are no 'trick questions' in the LNAT assessment, but the way the questions are written can make you assume something not said in the text. For example, by placing two statements together, they might make you assume a connection where there is none. This assumption can be avoided by looking for bridging phrases like 'because' or 'as a result of'. Do not fall into the trap of making an easy assumption based on the question — the answers are in the text, so if you cannot find it, it does not exist. Move on From Hard Questions Although each question is worth the same number of marks, some are more difficult than others. You can come back to the questions and change your answer if you need to within the multiple-choice section , so if you are struggling with a question, do what you can and move on to the next.
  • Make sure each argument is connected to your main premise so that your reader can understand why the point you are making is valid and related. Plan A minute time limit for — words is not too tight, so spend at least the first 15 minutes creating a plan to keep you on track. Create a structure of what you want to say in each section. Remember to use an introduction, where you will lay out the premise that you will be supporting. Include definitions of more unusual terms. In the first section, present your three to four arguments with supporting examples and analysis. In the next section, list any arguments against your premise and counter them where you can. Finish with a conclusion that pulls together all the main points that you want to cover.
  • Originality and Interest Depending on the number of applicants, the university will have lots of essays to read — so you want to make sure that yours is interesting and original. The university recruitment team will appreciate being entertained. Keep sentences short so everything you write is easy to read and understand. Try and avoid jargon or overly technical language — simplicity is key. University recruiters have to read a lot of essays and want to easily understand the points you make. These two sections of your essay could be considered the most important parts, so it is important to get these right. Look to provide clarity and interest in both. Your results will be emailed to you, depending on when you took the test. For tests taken before January, results are emailed in early February. For tests taken after January, results will be emailed in early August.
  • It has two parts: the first is a series of 42 multiple-choice questions; the second is an essay. The LNAT is designed to test certain skills which make a good lawyer: logical analysis; attention to detail; following an argument; and comprehending unseen information quickly. It is also designed so that you cannot be coached through it. The multiple choice section Exams in Britain, especially in the arts and humanities, do not have multiple choice questions. As such, students often feel very uncomfortable dealing with this section of the paper. Time is off the essence: you have 42 questions and 95 minutes.

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