Defense Support Of Civil Authorities Pretest Answers

  • The US Armed Forces have a historic precedent and enduring role in supporting civil authorities during times of emergency, and this role is codified in national defense strategy as a primary mission of DOD. The nature of DSCA in the US presents a...

  • Federal forces, both active and reserve, may also be requested if necessary under Title 10, USC, authority. This framework establishes the mechanisms for seamless coordination among federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local governments to...
  • Defense Support of Civil Authorities DSCA is support provided in response to requests for assistance from civil authorities for domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic activities, or from qualifying entities for special events. DHS will usually be the federal agency with lead responsibility, and will be supported by other USG departments and agencies when requested. DOJ has lead responsibility for criminal investigations of terrorist acts or terrorist threats by individuals or groups inside the United State, or directed at US citizens or institutions abroad, where such acts are within federal criminal jurisdiction of the US, as well as for the related intelligence collection activities within the US, subject to the National Security Act of and other applicable law.
  • The National Strategy for HS addresses the terrorist threat and provides a comprehensive framework for organizing the efforts of federal, state, local, tribal, and private organizations whose primary functions are often unrelated to national security. HD efforts often complement HS efforts and the reverse is also true. While these missions are distinct, some department roles and responsibilities overlap and operations require extensive coordination between lead and supporting agencies. Figure A-1 illustrates a notional relationship between HD, DSCA, and HS lead and supporting relationships and provides examples of the types of operations that can take place for each mission.
  • Why is AntiPolygraph. Because polygraph "testing" has not been shown to reliably distinguish between truth and deception. Despite the myth of an accurate "lie detector" which has long been part of American popular culture, the polygraph has failed miserably when put to the test by scientists under field conditions. In fact, polygraph "tests" are not science-based tests at all, but are instead fundamentally dependent on trickery. In addition, easily learned techniques allow anyone to beat the "test" and produce a "truthful" outcome. Polygraph "testing" results in many truthful persons being wrongly branded as liars, while any liar can easily beat the "test. On what are claims like this based? Instead, they have largely been conducted by researchers with a vested interest in polygraphy and published in polygraph or law enforcement trade journals. I recently took a polygraph "test," and failed, despite having told the truth on all questions.
  • How could this have happened? The "test" is simply not reliable. Trying to speculate as to why you may have failed is like trying to provide an explanation as to why a coin tossed into the air has landed on the ground with the "heads" side facing skyward. I have a chronic medical condition. Could this affect my polygraph results? Since polygraphy has not been shown to reliably distinguish between truth and deception in healthy individuals, there is no reason to expect that these "tests" are reliable when used on people with chronic medical conditions.
  • As matter of fact, the American Medical Association has taken a stand against polygraphy and testified before Congress in support of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act. Once again, there is no way to explain why a subject--healthy or ill--may have "failed. Can polygraph "tests" be beaten? Must one be a sociopathic liar or "believe one's own lies" to do so? Anyone can beat a polygraph test. It is a common misperception that one must be a sociopathic liar or somehow believe one's own lies to beat the polygraph.
  • The truth is that one need merely understand the trickery on which the "test" depends. In particular, one must understand the difference between relevant, irrelevant, and so-called "control" questions which provide no control whatsoever in the scientific sense of the word. The key to beating a polygraph "test" is 1 to make no damaging admissions and 2 to subtly augment one's physiological responses to the "control" questions. You will find a full explanation of exactly how to employ these techniques in Chapter 4 of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
  • Polygraph operators frequently claim that any experienced operator can readily spot polygraph countermeasures attempts to beat the polygraph. However, such claims are entirely unsupported by peer-reviewed scientific research. On the contrary, the available peer-reviewed research indicates that polygraph operators are not capable of detecting countermeasures attempts at better than chance levels. How exactly are polygraphs supposed to work? Polygraph "testing" is based on the flawed assumption that fluctuations in breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, and perspiration are indicative of deception.
  • If reactions to the "control" question are greater, the subject is deemed truthful. If reactions to the question on which the polygrapher is attempting to determine truth or deception are greater, the subject "fails. I'm still not following you. Can you explain further? How do polygraph operators determine truth or deception? How is the "test" scored? The easiest way to understand polygraphs and the simplistic method by which polygraph operators attempt to determine truth or deception is through a hypothetical polygraph "test. Please keep in mind that an actual polygraph would include more than one of each question type per series. The following questions might be asked of a law-enforcement job applicant named "Bob. Irrelevant Q2- Did you ever lie to a person in authority? Control Q3- Did you ever use illegal drugs? With the polygraph apparatus hooked up, all of the questions are asked in succession, approximately seconds apart.
  • At the conclusion of the running of the charts charts are usually run for each set of questions , the polygraph operator compares Bob's physiological responses to Q2 lying to those in authority with his responses to Q3 drug use. Bob's "no" response to the question on lying to those in authority is assumed by the polygrapher to be a lie. If the responses to Q2 are greater than the responses to Q3, the polygraph operator pronounces Bob truthful. If Bob's responses to Q3 are greater than his responses to Q2, Bob is declared deceptive. And, if the responses are roughly equal, the outcome of the "test" is "inconclusive. The polygraph operator will attempt to convince Bob during the "pre-test" interview that lying to those in authority is morally wrong, is taken very seriously, and that that the question "Did you ever lie to someone in authority" must be answered truthfully. Statements like these are intended to manipulate Bob into denying that he has ever lied to anyone in authority.
  • In actuality, the polygraph operator assumes that all persons have lied to someone in authority and calculates that Bob's response to this question will be less than truthful. He simplistically assumes that Bob's answer is a lie and uses Bob's physiological responses when answering this question as a baseline with which to compare his responses to other questions. Despite what the polygraph operator, Hollywood films, and many poorly researched news stories would have Bob believe, Q1 Are you sometimes called Bob? It does not provide a baseline of what Bob's truthful responses supposedly look like. It is an irrelevant question, and it is not scored at all! There are a number of reasons. First, agencies like the polygraph because it encourages admissions.
  • It provides powerful leverage for interrogators, primarily because naive and gullible subjects, fearing that the polygraph will detect the slightest hint of deception, will often make admissions that they might not otherwise make. Those innocent persons who are falsely accused in the process are considered acceptable losses. Furthermore, polygraphs allow bureaucrats to cover themselves in situations where it turns out that a bad decision was made in hiring someone or granting a security clearance. What are "control" questions? This is one of the biggest misconceptions about the polygraph. Basic questions like those above do not serve as "control" questions in current polygraph techniques.
  • Such questions are actually "irrelevant" questions and are totally ignored in the scoring process. Control questions are generally questions about minor misdeeds formulated to appear like they are part of the polygraph operator's inquiry. Although the polygrapher will try to convince the examinee that he considers these activities to be deplorable, he actually assumes that everyone, including the examinee, has engaged in them. Some popular control questions include: Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever told a lie about anything serious? Have you ever lied to a loved one? Have you ever lied to a person in a position of authority? Have you ever lied to get out of trouble? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever stolen anything from work?
  • Have you ever lied to your parents, teachers, or the police? And, for those applicants who admit in the "pretest interview" that they drive a motor vehicle and occasionally drink alcohol, a popular control question is Have you ever driven under the influence of alcohol? As unbelievable as this may sound, even federal agencies like the FBI and Secret Service assume that all of their applicants have cheated in school, lied to people in authority, driven under the influence of alcohol, etc.
  • You maintain that polygraphs are biased against the truthful. How can this be? Applicants who explain all their past indiscretions to the polygraph operator during the "pre-test" interview and actually give honest answers to the "control" questions and, as a consequence, feel less anxiety when answering them face an increased likelihood of "failing" the "test. What other types of trickery are polygraph operators known to engage in? During the "pretest" interview, polygraphers frequently ask questions about an examinee's background, qualifications, education, family, interests, etc. The examinee is left to assume that all this information is necessary in order for the polygrapher to successfully conduct the "test. When the polygraph components are actually hooked up, the polygrapher will begin with the acquaintance, or "stim" short for "stimulation" test.
  • One variation of this test involves having the examinee draw a card from a deck which is stacked or marked. The polygrapher instructs the examinee to answer "No" to each question and then runs a chart, questioning the examinee about the card he or she picked. The polygrapher then pretends to have discovered which card the examinee picked. Another variation of this test involves instructing the examinee to write a number on a sheet of paper and then lie to the polygrapher by denying writing the number. Essentially, the purpose of this exercise is to instill in the subject the fear on which polygraph "tests" depend. By far the most egregious deception is in the formulation and application of the "control" questions. During the "pre-test" phase, the polygraph operator will attempt to manipulate the examinee into blanket denials of minor misdeeds by implying that anyone who has ever committed any of these acts is essentially a bad person and is unsuitable for employment with the agency.
  • He then compares the examinee's physiological responses to these "control" questions to responses to the relevant questions. Relevant questions are those where the polygrapher is actually attempting to determine if the examinee is being truthful or deceptive. Commission of undetected major crimes and cheating on the police exam are also common topics of inquiry for relevant questions. For national security positions including federal law enforcement relevant questions on espionage activities are sure to be included. What happens if I keep making admissions to the control questions in the "pre-test interview? Every time you make an admission to a control question in the "pretest" interview, the polygraph operator will act slightly troubled by your admission. He will then rephrase the question with a modifier in front of it "besides" is most common. He may additionally seize upon something you say and use it to modify the question.
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  • Emergency preparedness response course eprc courses. Inherent to this mission, and critical in its execution, is effective liaison, coordination, and integration of Army forces into the emergency response structures of local, state, and federal civilian agencies. Pre-test are knowledge-based multiple-choice questions assessing lesson objective knowledge. Lesson Guides. Download dsca phase 1 answers document. On this page you can read or download dsca phase 1 answers in PDF format. Cu-Ni phase diagram. Humanitarian Assistance. Building the capacity of partner our nations. Academic and professional military education for partner countries at DoD Institutions. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide additional information for the healthcare coverage requirements issued in Defense Security Cooperation Agency DSCA Policy Memorandum , dated June 23, Conferences and after-school Jeff M.

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